Weekly Updates March 4, 2024

Upcoming Events

March 4 - CGC Youth
March 5 - CGC Women- Info and location here
March 9 - 1689 Class - Info and sign-up here
March 10 - Baptism
March 23 - New Members Class - Info and sign-up here
April 12-13 - Women's Retreat - Info and sign-up here
April 20 - Theology Book Club *New Date!

Theology Book Club

Our Theology Book Club is coming up April 13. Our book is The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification.
The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification presents the culmination of Puritan thought on living the Christian life. Combining doctrinal precision and pastoral sensitivity, Walter Marshall shows how sanctification is essential to spiritual life, dependent on spiritual union with Jesus Christ, and inseparable—though distinct— from justification. He shows how holiness involves both the mind and the soul of the believer and that it is the aim of the Christian life. It is no wonder that this book has been reprinted many times throughout the years and received such high praise from leading ministers of the gospel.
Purchase here for original, and here for the modern version

Listen to our latest sermons!

Giving Update

Monthly Giving Goal - $17,500
January Giving - $13,507.81
February Giving MTD - $9,074.90