10:00 am at Zion Christian Academy

We rest in and proclaim the good news of Jesus for sinners.

We are a new reformed church plant bringing  freedom and rest in Jesus to Columbia, TN.

We focus on the good news that — while we are flawed, sinful, tired people — Jesus is a perfect savior who provides all we need by grace through faith.

Resting in him, we are family that seeks to love and care for each other and our neighbors. It is our joy to welcome and love those who need grace just like we do.


Grace Groups

At Covenant Grace Columbia, Grace Groups are an important context for us to care for one another. We enjoy fellowship, minister Christ to one another, and seek to bear each other's burdens. It is our joy to invite others in to share in this community with us.

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Sunday Gathering

Sundays at 10:00 am
Zion Christian Academy